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Services provided by AIQIA - Internetagentur Oberhausen

Hosting, Webdesign, Programming & SEO

Services provided by AIQIA. In order to meet all your requirements regarding the creation of your homepage, we have developed we are broadly positioned for you and offer the suitable solution for almost every request. We have over more than 21 years of experience in programming websites.

Our services at a glance

Hosting und Domains

Every homepage needs a domain including webspace, so these are the building blocks of every website! We recommend servers with increased security measures such as professional anti-spam filters for security. E-mail reception, as well as SSL encryption of the website, with us, standard! Unfortunately, even today. any site operator on these securities, protect your visitors! With a good server choice, you can exclude sources of danger from the outset!

  • Domain / Namesearch from 49€
  • Domains Yearly from 7,95€
  • Webserver / Webspace / V-Server Monthly. from 9,95€

Webdesign, Printdesign, another Graphics

Good websites cannot do without good graphics! AIQIA offers a comprehensive service for web design and Print media. No matter if you need a brochure (flyer) or a suitable layout for your stationery search.

  • Graphics (Banner, Header, etc.) from 19€
  • Animated Banner from 39€
  • Website Layout from 199€
  • LOGO (exklusive for Your Company) from 299€
  • Creating CI from 599€
  • Picsearch CCO 10 piec. 49€


You have an already created homepage but need a specific module or would like to have special Offer features on your website? We machen´s possible! We are happy to program professional Widgets for your homepage!

  • implementation, template or similar to website, etc. per page from 99€
  • programming hourly rate 39€

Support, maintenance and care of your website

Due to our excellent support you will feel very well taken care of with us! Good, detailed advice always leads the way and is our number one priority! Because you decide, we advise and leave your wishes to us. come true

  • Fast support For customers, always free!
  • Maintenance For customers with minimal costs!
  • care prices always individual and on request

Search Engine Optimization

If you wish, we can also support you with the optimization for search engines. On the onpage, as well as with the Offpage optimization we can stand for you comprehensively with advice and act with side. Do you wish to receive If you would like more information, please leave us a message and briefly describe your project.

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO On- & Offpage) Prices on request

Would you like to find out more about SEO (search engine optimization)? Then feel free to read our SEO Articles (Search Engine Optimization) and find out what benefits good search engine optimization can bring with you if you use them specifically!

Services Offered by AIQIA, Homepage creation Oberhausen.

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